The Bridge - Tweespraak
to Amar Rahou (1966-2020) - een vader voor de jeugd

2020 Limburg Film Festival - Best New Filmmaker Award
2019 Official Premiere - Lumiere Maastricht
2018 Applaus Voor Documentaire van Lienke Roos - Het Kontakt Bommelerwaard
2018 'Begrip kan veel verbeteren'; docu over Marokkaanse hangjongeren - Omroep Gelderland
01 | Dec. 2016 - Feb. 2019
The Bridge (Tweespraak) - Documentary
20 Dutch | 25 mins | Digital Video | Color | Stereo | 25fps
Director: Lienke Roos
Producer: Video Power
Camera: Juul Thielen & Nour Ajoum
Sound: Joris Geurts & Nour Ajoum
Editing: Caszimir Cleutjes, Frank v. Valderen & Lorenzo Rietveld
Grading: Guillaume Souren
Music: Guus v,d. Heuvel
The documentary “Tweespraak” portrays a small city in The Netherlands roiled by ethnic tensions. The film starts of with the city’s former mayor expressing why he felt compelled to act firmly. As other characters are introduced, the narrative becomes more diffuse. What starts as simply finding a solution to a problem, ends up touching a fundamental question: how to bridge differences within a community without making anyone an outsider?
If you would like to watch the full documentary, feel free to send me an email.